Empowerment Program
The Good Shepherd Phuket Town for Women and Children Rehabilitation and Development
aims to rehabilitate beneficiaries in a holistic manner, care for all migrants, especially women's needs. Temporary accommodation, counselling, legal help, human rights' education, language and vocational skills are provided to address the exploitation and abuse they have suffered.
From helping the migrants to get through the process of obtaining their legal documents to teaching them about their rights (migrant, women, children, labour, etc.), this programme allows us to accompany the families in the restoration of their dignity, confidence and human rights.
In 2016, 140 people were informed about child and labour rights through workshops and activities. 45 migrants were assisted to register for their legal status and obtain health insurance.
We also provide our children with the means to develop their skills to their fullest capacity. For example, learning how to garden and sell products. In addition, we recently initiated a life skills learning program within the school. The students can deposit and withdraw money, in order to learn about the importance of saving money. Students in the upper grades administer the "bank" and help younger students manage their money and teach them how to become new facilitators or banking junior staff in the future.
5,000 THB
per month
Material costs for skills training (depends on the project : soap making, hair dressing, etc.)